All Items for: Monroe 2024/2025
Welcome Back Mustangs!
We DO NOT have any mandatory fees this year.
General school support: Parent funding is needed to maintain a strong instructional program for our students. These funds are used to maintain instructional technology, to help make field trips possible, for classroom supply costs that exceed our general district funding and to purchase student snacks and water bottles. We understand that some families may wish to contribute in other ways or may find this contribution to be financially challenging and therefore please know that this not required.
General School Support (optional) $50 (This contribution may be tax deductible)
Elective Charges:
Band (optional) $50
Art (optional) $20

24/25 Monroe Track General Fee - Precio General SAUfNm

24/25 Monroe Track Reduced Rate / Precios reducidos SbRPx6o

24/25 Monroe Track / Donación SdKdGpy

2025 Model UN ScdmxmZ

Jazz Hoodie SbygWUg

Jazz T-shirt SbRD8xx

Monroe General Support Donation $50 Slx9KE

Art Donation Scx4GFF

Band/Choir/Jazz Donation SbsEUlN

Monroe Hoodies ScKAulB